Unveiling Shauna’s Carnivore Diet Triumph – Ketogenic Endurance

Updated November 2023


Hold onto your hats, folks! We’re diving deep into Shauna Vanderpool’s carnivore diet success story, and let me tell you, it’s a rollercoaster of health and happiness! Why is this story worth your time? Because Shauna isn’t just anyone; she’s a certified yoga instructor, Pilates guru, and personal trainer with a background in Nutrition and Dietetics. She’s been through the dietary wringer, from veganism to Paleo, and finally landed on the carnivore diet. And the transformation? Absolutely jaw-dropping!

Shauna’s Pre-Carnivore Odyssey

Before embracing the carnivore lifestyle, Shauna had a complicated relationship with food. She ditched the Standard American Diet at 25 and embarked on an 11-year quest for the perfect diet. From veganism to Paleo and then Keto, Shauna tried it all. But it wasn’t until she faced health challenges during her pregnancy that she took the plunge into the carnivore diet. And boy, did it pay off!

Digestive Bliss: The First Milestone

One of the most striking benefits Shauna experienced was a complete overhaul of her digestive system. Remember, this is a woman who had battled abdominal bloating and a host of gut issues. The carnivore diet swooped in like a knight in shining armour, resolving her digestive woes. How? The absence of fibre and plant-based irritants allowed her gut to heal, making digestion a breeze rather than a chore.

Libido and Energy: The Dynamic Duo

Hold the phone! Digestion wasn’t the only thing that got a boost. Shauna reported a significant uptick in her libido—a benefit many might overlook but is crucial for overall well-being. But wait, there’s more! Her energy levels skyrocketed, leading her back to the gym and even into the realms of Crossfit and kickboxing. The carnivore diet’s high-fat, high-protein approach likely stabilized her blood sugar levels, providing sustained energy throughout the day.


Shauna’s life has taken a 180-degree turn for the better, all thanks to the carnivore diet. From resolving digestive issues to boosting her libido and energy, the benefits are nothing short of miraculous. And while the carnivore diet may not be everyone’s cup of tea, Shauna’s story is a testament to its potential for transforming lives. Could it be the answer for others grappling with similar health issues? The odds look promising!


Before you rush off to overhaul your diet, remember that this is a review of an older post, offering additional insights into Shauna’s journey. We can’t confirm whether Shauna has maintained these benefits or if she’s still following the carnivore diet. Also, it’s crucial to note that I’m not a healthcare professional. Always consult with a qualified medical practitioner before making significant changes to your diet.

1) Introduce Yourself.

My name is Shauna Vanderpool. I’m 36 years old, and a mother of two beautiful twin girls. I’m a certified yoga instructor, Pilates instructor, and personal trainer. I studied Nutrition and Dietetics in college, as well as Kinesiology.

2) How did you eat before Carnivore.

I realized the Standard American Diet (SAD) was not for me when I was 25 years old.

I spent the next 11 years searching for the right way of eating for me. I slowly transitioned from SAD, to 4 years of Veganism, to 3 years of the Paleo diet, to 4 years of a Ketogenic diet, to the Carnivore way of eating.

3) Why did you try Carnivore to begin with.

My Keto journey started 4 years ago when I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during my pregnancy. I went low carb and kept my blood sugar in a healthy range through diet alone. After my twins were born, I took low carb to the next level and went full on ketogenic. 6 months after having twins I was back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. I had more energy than ever before, and my skin looked great. I loved Keto and kept with it for 4 years. However, I still struggled with abdominal bloating and distention, and a laundry list of gut health issues, that eventually started to drain all my energy. In December 2018, I started experimenting with the Carnivore way of eating. In January 2019 I began my Carnivore journey.

4) How do you personally approach the Carnivore Diet.

I’ve embraced the Carnivore way of eating with a gentle approach that honors my individual needs. Some people would call my approach “relaxed carnivore,” “dirty carnivore,” or even “Keto-Carnivore.”

95% of what I eat is just animal muscle meats and animal fats. Currently, I still drink coffee because I enjoy it, and consuming coffee doesn’t seem to have any negative consequences for me. To be honest, ice cream has been my favorite food since I was 2 years old. I feel it would be completely unrealistic for me to think that I can sustain never eating my favorite food again. If I feel like eating some keto ice cream, I eat it on occasion…and then go right back to eating Carnivore.

Personally, I don’t like the taste of organ meats, so I don’t eat them.

5) What benefits have you seen since starting the Carnivore Diet.

When I first started eating Carnivore, the first thing I noticed was the improvement in my digestion. After about a month, the second thing I noticed was a major increase in libido. After two months, I started wanting to go back to the gym again, after almost a year of not having the energy to exercise. Four months into my Carnivore journey I started accompanying my boyfriend to Crossfit, and I started kickboxing classes in addition to my regular gym workouts. I cannot wait to see what happens next!


6) What negatives have you found with the Carnivore Diet.

The biggest negative with eating Carnivore is that most people don’t understand why I don’t eat any vegetables. Fortunately for me, the people closest to me do understand because they have witnessed the great improvement in my health.

7) Do you exercise on the Carnivore Diet, if so how do you find it and what do you do.

At first, I did not exercise at all on Carnivore. As I explained before, the desire to exercise gradually increased the longer I continued the Carnivore way of eating.

8) What piece of advice would you give someone who is interested in trying this diet, but hasn’t taken the leap yet.

Do your own research, so can feel confident in the way you are eating. I started experimenting with a keto-carnivore hybrid diet before I went full Carnivore. I would eliminate plant-based foods for a few days, and then start eating them again for a few days. It did not take long for me to notice the difference between the uncomfortable bloated feeling that any food containing fiber left me with, vs. the full, yet still flat and comfortable belly after eating only meat.

9) Do you think Carnivore will ever be accepted as a mainstream diet.

I don’t look at Carnivore as being a trendy diet for the purpose of weight loss. I view the Carnivore way of eating as a lifestyle choice.

Could the Carnivore diet be the next mainstream diet trend? It’s very possible. Will the Carnivore way of eating as a lifestyle become accepted by the mainstream? Probably not. The concept of fruits and vegetables being a healthy and a necessary part of the human diet is just too deeply ingrained into our minds.

10) Anything you would like to add, and where can people follow your journey.

Please keep in mind that I’m not an M.D. I’ve never conducted any randomized double-blind placebo control studies on this topic. I have not researched any medical journals or physicians articles for this interview. My evidence is purely anecdotal. All of my evidence comes from my personal experience, and that is enough for me in making dietary decisions for myself.

The Carnivore way of eating is not a religion, so I’m not here to try to convert anyone. However, if you think that going Carnivore might be beneficial for you and you have any questions or concerns, I’m more than happy to help you to the best of my knowledge.

You can find me on Instagram @Petitecarnivore.


Thanks for reading, Steven

More Information

If you enjoyed this blog post and want to dive deeper into the carnivore diet, don’t hesitate to check out my other media, sites, and affiliate links for more insights, success stories, and support. Remember, I’m not a doctor, so always consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant dietary changes:

The Carnivore Diet 30 Day Challenge is an excellent way to push yourself to new limits and see what you’re capable of achieving. This challenge is all about following a diet that consists of only animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy. By doing so, you can experience numerous health benefits such as improved digestion, better mental clarity, increased energy levels, and weight loss.

If you’re looking for inspiration to start the Carnivore Diet, be sure to check out our real-life Carnivore Diet Success Stories. These stories feature people who have experienced tremendous results by following the Carnivore Diet, including significant weight loss, better health markers, and improved overall well-being. Reading about the success of others can be a great way to motivate and inspire you to keep pushing forward towards your goals.

In addition to inspiration, it’s essential to have a support system as you embark on the Carnivore Diet. That’s why we encourage you to join our Carnivore Diet Success Stories Facebook Group. Here, you can connect with like-minded people, share your experiences, ask questions, and get support from others who are on the same journey as you.

For informative and engaging videos on all things health and fitness, be sure to subscribe to my Ketogenic Endurance YouTube channel. You’ll find a wealth of information on how to succeed on the Carnivore Diet, including tips on how to overcome common challenges and stay motivated along the way.

If you’re active on Reddit, be sure to join the conversation on the Reddit Carnivore Diet Group. This group is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn more about the Carnivore Diet or connect with others who are passionate about this way of eating.

For regular updates and tips on the Carnivore Diet, follow me on Twitter @ketoendurance. I share all sorts of tips and tricks on how to succeed on the Carnivore Diet, as well as updates on my own personal journey.

For a glimpse into my personal journey and tips on how to succeed on the Carnivore Diet, be sure to follow me on Instagram Steven Chasing Goals. Here, you’ll find daily updates, as well as helpful tips and advice on how to thrive on the Carnivore Diet.

For a fun and informative look at the Carnivore Diet, check out my videos on TikTok @ketoendurance. Here, you’ll find short, engaging videos that offer insights and tips on how to succeed on the Carnivore Diet.

Finally, if you’re looking for even more content and community interaction, be sure to like my Facebook Page Steven Chasing Goals. Here, you can connect with other Carnivore Diet enthusiasts, share your experiences, and get inspiration and motivation to keep pushing forward towards your goals.

Let’s continue this carnivore journey together and unlock the health benefits of a meat-based diet.

If you would like to do your own success story, hit me up in the contacts page.

For Carnivore friendly designs, search “Carnivore Diet Success Stories Hub Keto Press” on Amazon. 

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